Endi Poskovic Exhibits in New York City

The International Print Center New York presents the work of Endi Poskovic in New Prints Fall 2013, on view at IPCNY in Chelsea through November 30, 2013.
New Prints 2013/Autumn consists of over fifty projects by twenty-nine artists, and was selected from well-over 2,000 works. An illustrated brochure with a curatorial essay by Amze Emmons accompanies the exhibition. The show was selected by Desirée Alvarez (Artist, Teacher), Andrea Butler (Lawyer, Collector), Christopher Creyts (Master Printer, Collaborative Art Editions), Amze Emmons (Artist, Editor, Printeresting), Kimball Higgs (IPCNY Board Member, Art Professional) and Tara Misenheimer (Artist, Educator at Avenues School).
Artists in this show include: Rosaire Appel, Susan Belau, Allison Bianco, Noah Breuer, Deborah Chaney, Elizabeth Corkery, Josh Dannin, Sage Dawson, Jeffrey Dell, Kevin Frances, Ron Fundingsland, Anne-Karin Furunes, Rodrigo Gonzalez, Jungil Hong, Richard Hutter, Sea Hyun Lee, Julia Jacquette, Laura Kinneberg, Kaitlin Knapp, Jonggeon Lee, Janet Marcavage, Sean P. Morrissey, Yoonmi Nam, Heidi Neilson, John O’Donnell, Endi Poskovic, David Sandlin, Gunilla Widholm, and Jenny Wiener.
Publishers and presses represented include 2 by 2 Press, Buildface Press, Dieu Donné, Lower East Side Print Shop, Pace Editions, Inc, and Sinland Press. The works in this show address a wide range of emotions, styles and subjects — including architecture, mapping, portraiture, landscape, and abstraction. Highlights include: Kevin Frances’ delicate ukiyo‑e woodblock prints that examine the transformations of interior spaces, and David Sandlin’s silkscreen book exploring the narrative print. In addition, Kaitlin Knapp’s three-dimensional installation of miniature Pennsylvania farmhouses examines the use of multiples in a single work, and Jenny Wiener’s drawings with silkscreen explore the color palettes of famous works by artists such as Cézanne. Josh Dannin’s striking woodblocks explore the line between abstraction and representation.
New Prints 2013/Autumn
IPCNY Chelsea
508 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10001
Opening on Thursday November 07, 2013, From 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
On View October 29, 2013 — November 30, 2013