Endi Poskovic Exhibits at Vienna Künstlerhaus

Professor Endi Poskovic exhibits in Posterproject GELD MACHT SICHTBAR at Künstlerhaus Wien and on billboards EPAMEDIA in Steiermark, Wien and Burgenland. The project MONEY MAKES VISIBLE aspires to place artistic messages to cause irritation in the “space of solicitation” usually occupied by businesses and commercial advertisements. Amidst the surfaces that are put to commercial use, philosophical and poetical signs are placed into the public space. Philosophical riddles that cannot be resolved by means of conventional (advertising) logic take the place of evocative solicitations to shop. The posters are presented on 1,800 billboards in eastern Austria during the month of May 2013.
Artists and teams participating:
Team Ammar Abo Bakr / Aya Tarek, Egypt
Team Andraschek / Lobnig, Austria
Team Josef Danner / Hüseyin Isik, Austria/Turkey
Team Lucia Dellefant / Anton Petz, Germany/Austria Julius Deutschbauer, Austria
Team Stepan Cervenka / Georg Lebzelter / Nikolaus Link, Czech Republic/Austria
Dan Perjovschi, Romania
Endi Poskovic, USA
Werner Reiterer, Austria
Klaus Staeck, Germany
Ingeborg Strobl, Austria
Erwin Wurm, Austria
Dates: April 19 — June 9, 2013
Künstlerhaus Karlsplatz 5 1010 Vienna, Austria