Endi Poskovic Awarded Flemish Ministry of Culture Fellowship

Endi Poskovic has been awarded a research fellowship by the Flemish Ministry of Culture to continue production of a series of lithographs for his animated film. From June 15 — July 31, 2012, Poskovic will be working at the Frans Masereel Centrum voor Grafiek (Flemish Centrum for Graphic Arts) in Antwerp province, Belgium. Frans Masereel Centrum residency program is a research and production workplace for artists and designers working in the field of printmaking and graphic arts. Sponsored by the Flemish speaking community in Belgium, the Center attracts some 100 international artists annually through residencies, workshops, and exhibitions. Poskovic’s current work, Crossing, extends his work in printmaking into the realm of film animation, with a series of achromatic stone lithographs as its foundation. Working through multiple print runs, each lithograph begins as an analysis of images from a wide range of sources – analog drawings, photographic collages, digital montage, and various images altered by scanners and photocopiers – before being digitally morphed into animated film chapters.