Emily Schiffer Exhibits at Espacio Fundación Telefónica in Madrid

Work by Emily Schiffer (MFA ‘16) is on display at Espacio Fundación Telefónica in Madrid through October 2. An official exhibition of Photo Espana ‘16, In the Footsteps of Inge Morath: Eight Gazes on the Danube, will travel internationally for the next two years.
About the Project
In 2012, Emily and fellow Inge Morath Award winners Olivia Arthur and Lurdes Basoli came up with the idea for “Danube Revisited: The Inge Morath Truck Project.” They invited the other awardees, and, in 2014 their idea became real.
They converted a truck into a mobile gallery and embarked on a 6‑week photographic road trip along the entire length of the Danube River. Their project celebrates the impact of women on the field documentary photography. As Magnum Photos’ first female photographer, Morath was invested in increasing the female presence in her male-dominated field. A contemporary legacy project, Danube Revisited explores Morath’s significance as a pioneer of women’s photographic history by visualizing her influence on contemporary female practitioners. Eight (female) winners of the Inge Morath Award — Olivia Arthur, Lurdes R. Basoli, Cathryn Cook, Jessica Dimmock, Claudia Guadarrama, Claire Martin, Emily Schiffer, and Ami Vitale — retraced Morath’s footsteps along the Danube, and expanded her project by producing new imagery.
The truck returned Morath’s images to the very places they were taken. The group travelled every other day, parked the truck at museums, galleries, or city offices, which hosted them, gave portfolio reviews, and held evening projections of contemporary photographs on the outside of the truck.
Learn more about the project at: danuberevisited.com
In the Footsteps of Inge Morath: Gazes on the Danube
Espacio Fundación Telefónica
C/ Fuencarral, 3, Madrid
May 2016 — October 2016