Emilia Yang publishes in MARCH: a journal of art & strategy

Stamps Assistant Professor Dr. Emilia Yang published in March the Journal of Art and Strategy as part of “From Multidirectional Memory to Multidirectional Moments” (MDM), an artistic research project organized with the Department of Artistic Strategies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Die Angewandte), Palais des Beaux Arts Wien (PdBA), and MARCH: a journal of art & strategy.
Her article is titled “Multidirectional Memories and Transnational Solidarities in Exile: AMA y No Olvida, Memory Museum Against Impunity”. You can find an excerpt below:
“In this essay, as in my creative practice, I carry out an exercise in counter-memory, far from a constructed monumental and patriarchal memory that subdues and makes invisible the memory of women, queers, Indigenous and Black folks, and those who have been impoverished and subjugated. Through my work, I take an active stance that highlights the work and memories of these communities and actively builds community and resistance networks.”