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Emilia Javanica: Taring Padi Publication

Kecil w

Emilia Javanica’s (MFA Candidate 2012) article, Omah Buku Taring Padi: The Taring Padi Library and Other Educational Activities” is included in a recently-published book on the Indonesian political arts collective. The long-awaited Taring Padi 10-year anniversary book was published by Lumbung Press, with support from the Ford Foundation. 

Written and designed over the course of 3 years, Taring Padi’s book Seni Membongkar Tirani” (Art Smashing Tyranny) commemorates the artistic work created by the Indonesian political arts collective since its establishment in 1998 during the upheaval of ex-President Soeharto and the Reformation that followed. Featuring 12 articles exploring Taring Padi’s art work in relation to the political development in Indonesia, along with colorful images documenting 13 years of Taring Padi art work, this book is a big deal for artists, historians, scholars, and the Indonesian and international community alike. The official book launching of Seni Membongkar Tirani” took place on July 30, 2011 in Galeri Cipta II at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) in Jakarta, Indonesia. The event was co-hosted by the Jakarta Arts Council (Dewan Kesenian Jakarta) and in parallel with the Jakarta Biennale #14 Maximum City. 

Emilia has been a member of Taring Padi since 2005, and was active in their educational activities with the community from 2005 – 2009 when she resided in Yogyakarta, Indonesia where the arts collective is based. In her article, Emilia discusses Taring Padi’s community-based activities including post-earthquake children’s art workshops in 2006, and the establishment of the Taring Padi children’s library in 2008

Taring Padi: Seni Membongkar Tirani” is being distributed locally in Indonesia, with international and online distribution to follow. 

For more details about the Taring Padi artist collective, visit: http://​tar​ing​padi​.com/.
More information and pictures from the book launching can be viewed on Emilia’s recent travel blog: http://​vic​ar​i​ous​times​.word​press​.com/​2011​/​08​/​02​/​t​h​e​-​t​a​r​i​n​g​-​p​a​d​i​-​b​o​o​k​-​l​a​u​n​c​h​-​s​e​n​i​-​m​e​m​b​o​n​g​k​a​r​-​t​i​rani/.