Ed Johnston Launches Kickstarter To Document History

Ed Johnston (MFA 2008), a faculty member at Kean University, has collaborated with Monmouth University professors Mike Richison and Marina Vujnovic on launching a Kickstarter project entitled “Augmented Asbury Park.” This project will reconstruct historical landmarks on the Asbury Park boardwalk in New Jersey using augmented reality. They have already created an augmented reality model of the carousel that once stood inside the Carousel House on the boardwalk in Asbury Park, New Jersey. The Augmented Carousel requires no special hardware, just a smartphone and the free mobile app Layar. They just exhibited this project at the World Maker Faire 2013 in New York City, and it received the Editor’s Choice Award. To learn more about the project, please visit the the Kickstarter website or http://www.augmentedasburypark.com.