Dr. Jane Prophet to Speak at NY LASER

Dr. Jane Prophet, Associate Dean for Research, Creative Work, and Strategic Initiatives at the Stamps School, will be giving a talk as part of NY LASER, a Leonardo Education and Art Forum (LEAF) Rendezvous Event on Sunday, February 17, 2019 from 4 – 7 pm.
NY LASER is a series of lectures and presentations on art and science projects, in support of Leonardo/ISAST’s LEAF initiative (Leonardo Education and Art Forum). Former LEAF Chairs, Ellen K. Levy, former IDSVA Special Advisor in the Arts and Sciences and Patricia Olynyk, Director, Graduate School of Art, Washington University co-direct these presentations to promote dialogue at the highest level among artists, scientists, scholars, and historians. There will be feature presentations by Janet Biggs, Dr. Jane Prophet, and DJ Spooky.
Dr. Prophet will discuss models for developing and funding art-science research in universities, using current personal work as examples. These include: a chronic pain research collaboration bringing funding and partners from across departments and an air quality data app that grows AR bonsai trees from live data. This is an example of an international project planned with multiple outcomes across art, HCI and science.
Space is limited, so please rsvp by sending an email to levy@nyc.rr.com or olynyk@wustl.edu.