Deepa Butoliya Delivers Keynote Address at the University of Chicago

Assistant Professor Deepa Butoliya will deliver a keynote address at a symposium titled Materializing the Future, Speculative Design: Post-Petroleum Utopia organized by Prof. Shannon Dawdy from 3CT/Anthropology at the University of Chicago.
Crerar Library 298 and Weston Game Lab
Friday, May 31, 2019 | 8:30AM to 6:00 PM
John Crerar Library, Room 298
5730 South Ellis Avenue Chicago, IL, 60637
Free and open to the public.
Speculative Design is a cyborg practice that harkens back to past futurist movements, insisting on a moveable spectrum between art and radical social science. What would it mean to imagine a world without oil and its derivatives? This symposium, with special-guest practitioners in speculative design, will be followed by a game workshop open to all. For one day, let us explore and imagine what it might mean – it might take – to imagine a post-petroleum future.
Materializing the Future, Speculative Design: Post-Petroleum Utopia