David Turnley’s South Africa Photographs Published in France

The prestigious bi-annual 350 page French photography publication, SIX MOIS, has published a 22-page essay of A&D Associate Professor David Turnley’s photography from his book Why Are They Weeping? South Africans Under Apartheid. This highly recognized work covers the last years leading up to end of Apartheid and was published in Six Mois as perhaps the most iconic photographic documentation of daily life under Apartheid across that country at that critical time. Working in South Africa since 1985, David Turnley was kicked out of the country in 1988, for “biased” photo reporting by the Apartheid régime. His work leading up to this was published throughout the world. It was understood by the international journalism community that expulsion in those days was the highest compliment a journalist working in South Africa could be paid as it meant that the Apartheid Régime understood that his work was being seen and threatened the status quo of Apartheid. David Turnley was invited back to South Africa by the DeKlerk government just days before Nelson Mandela’s release in 1990. He has photographed Mandela intimately over the last twenty years and his most recent book is titled “Mandela- In Times of Struggle and Triumph”, published by Abrams.