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Cynthia Greig Exhibition in Santa Monica

Greig4 Nature Morte 1

DNJ Gallery will be exhibiting Cynthia Greig’s (MFA 95) Nature Morte,” in which she revisits her unique method of photographing a three dimensional object with a given appearance of a two dimensional line drawing. 

Greig uses ordinary house paint to whitewash objects. After drawing crude outlines on these objects, she photographs them in still life arrangements. By confusing two distinct means of representation — photography and drawing — Greig explores the boundaries of photography and questions how we form our beliefs about what is real or true. The photographs revisit the tradition of still life to further explore the illusory and documentary nature of the photograph in relation to the vanitas themes of death, decay, and ephemerality.” 

Greig’s work has been exhibited widely throughout the country as well as internationally. Most recently, the Oakland University Art Gallery in Rochester, Michigan, held an exhibition of her work entitled, Cynthia Greig: Subverting the (un)Conventional.” Her photographs are included in the collections of the George Eastman House, Rochester, NY, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Smith College Museum of Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago.

DNJ Gallery: http://​www​.dnj​gallery​.net
Personal Website: http://​www​.cyn​thi​a​greig​.com