Cooper Holoweski’s Katabasis at Trinosophes, Detroit

Cooper Holoweski (BFA ‘04) will be screening and performing his piece Katabasis at 9pm on Friday, May 23, at Trinosophes (1464 Gratiot Avenue) in Detroit. Katabasis is a 40-minute video landscape with sound that moves the viewer through an elaborately constructed virtual junkyard to explore the themes of death, limb and rebirth. The piece is screened with an accompanying live score preformed by 3 musicians. For more info and a trailer of the piece, visit the project website here:
The Botanical Fortresstra (Detroit) Katabasis (Brooklyn) SIGHT+SOUND
The Botanical Fortress performs a new improvisational score for Francesco Bertolini’s 1911, silent film “L’inferno”.
They are joined by Katabasis, an original video and live score.Atmospheric instrumentalists Botanical Fortress are creating a new Detroit institution for unscripted creativity, shunning the traditional take on what determines a viable “band”. Instead the Fortress refers to only four guidelines for performance:
1). Show up
2). Pay attention
3). Tell the truth
4). Don’t be attached to the outcomeThe Botanical Fortresstra will perform live to Francesco Bertolini’s 1911, silent film “L’inferno”. The film is loosely adapted from Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy” and was the first full-length Italian feature film ever made.
Katabasis is a 40-minute video piece that moves the viewer though an elaborately constructed Sketchup junkyard to explore the themes of death, limbo, and rebirth. Created by Cooper Holoweski and projected with an accompanying live score performed by 3 musicians. Sound design by Cooper and Doc Holoweski.
1464 Gratiot Avenue
Detroit, MI 48207