Cooper Holoweski’s Katabasis at Dlectricity

Cooper Holoweski‘s (BFA 2004) piece Katabasis will be screened/performed as part of DLectricty in Detroit on Fri., Sept. 26th and Sat., Sept. 27th at the CCS Ford Kresge Building. Each night will include two outdoor performances at 9 and 11 pm.
The CCS Ford Kresge building is located across the courtyard from the corner of John R and East Kirby.
Katabasis is a 40-minute video landscape with live audio performance that moves the viewer though an elaborately constructed Sketchup junkyard to explore the themes of death and rebirth. In various world mythologies Katabasis refers to a trip to the underworld. The trance-like animation of this film carries viewers through an underworld wasteland of 3D models through the journey from death to rebirth.