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Cooking Up Creativity: Blending Design and Delicious Celebrations Of Flavors

Tanvi (BFA 25) discovered a way to combine their passions for creativity and functionality through the intersection of art, design, and everyday experiences. Their latest project, Flavors of Festivity, is an illustrated cookbook that celebrates the joy of food and gathering through beautifully designed recipes inspired by their blog, Tanvi Bytes. Each section of the book invites readers into themed celebrations, combining culinary creativity with vibrant visual storytelling.

Curious about the inspiration behind the project? Want to know Tanvi’s favorite part of the creative process? Learn more and get to know Tanvi below as they share the journey behind Flavors of Festivity.

Flavors of Festivity Cover

Could you tell us a little about your project and what inspired you?

Flavors of Festivity is an illustrated cookbook I created to blend and share my love for cooking and design. Inspired by my journey from my blog Tanvi Bytes and my passion for hosting gatherings filled with vibrant meals, this book is more than just a collection of recipes — it’s a celebration of delicious moments shared around the table. Each section is based on casual Game Night, Movie Night, New Year’s Celebration, Valentine’s Day, and Birthday Feast. With themed dishes covering everything from mocktails and appetizers to main courses and desserts, this book blends creative flavors with beautiful illustrations, turning cooking into a fun and visual experience.

What is your favorite part of this project?

My favorite part of this project was diving into the creative aspect! I had so much fun developing unique layouts for each cookbook section inspired by the theme. I also loved illustrating each recipe and capturing the essence of each dish in a style that truly made me happy. Throughout the project, I also relished the opportunity to learn new techniques to improve my illustrations. Finally, in my blog, one of my favorite silly traditions was crafting puns for each title, so I brought that playful spirit into the cookbook with pun titles for every recipe.

My favorite part of this project was diving into the creative aspect! I had so much fun developing unique layouts for each cookbook section inspired by the theme. I also loved illustrating each recipe and capturing the essence of each dish in a style that truly made me happy.

What type of research went into this project?

To start my research, I delved into existing cookbooks, a useful starting point! I also looked at articles about existing recipes — which elements make recipes successful, and which do the opposite? For example, I learned about users’ frustrations with longer recipes and the backstories they often have to scroll through on websites, which can feel overwhelming with all the advertisements and distractions. This research got me thinking about how to make my project user-friendly and enjoyable for readers! I also looked at different art styles and was inspired to incorporate bright colors, patterns, and intricate details into my illustrations.

I want to thank my second-year studio teacher, Andy T, for overseeing my project and sharing valuable research resources. I also want to mention a special thank you to Hannah Smotrich for all her feedback and guidance while working on my cookbook. This semester, I also took a writing class, and my instructor, Andrew Kuster, encouraged me to publish and share my cookbook, helping me bring the last part of this project to life.

Where did all the inspiration come from?

Growing up, one thing that always brought my family together was delicious food. I’ve always been a foodie, and some of my favorite memories revolve around the company and conversations during meals. I first started cooking in middle school, and ever since then, I’ve loved discovering new recipes and experimenting to make them my own. This cookbook celebrates those cherished moments and flavors, inviting others to create their own memories around the table.

How does it feel to see a project go from concept to people being able to enjoy your recipes?

This project has been my passion for many months! Seeing it evolve from an initial idea to a physical product and now something that others can share with and enjoy is surreal and so rewarding! My dream as a designer has always been to create things people can use and cherish. Knowing that this cookbook will contribute to fun memories in the kitchen and celebrations makes me so happy!

What is your favorite recipe?

My favorite recipe in Flavors of Festivity has to be the Cookies and Cream Cheesecake. Anyone who knows me knows I could probably survive on Oreos and cheesecake alone, so combining them into one glorious dessert is basically my dream come true! Not only was it fun to illustrate, but it also holds a special memory. My brother and I made this for the first time during a high school cooking competition, and it’s been a favorite ever since.

Oreo Cheesecake

Learn more about Tanvi and more recipes here, tanvibytes.wordpress.