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Collin McRae and John Kannenberg Perform in Amsterdam

Notations NL w

MFA candidates Collin McRae and John Kannenberg have been invited to perform a concert at the Glazenhuis Gallery in Amsterdam as part of the Nota​tions​.NL festival of graphic notation. The concert will take place on April 27. The Nota​tions​.NL festival has been curated by Theresa Sauer, author of Notations 21,” a modern compendium and anthology deriving its inspiration from John Cage’s seminal 1969 anthology of groundbreaking visual musical scores entitled Notations.” McRae and Kannenberg will be performing a collaborative improvisational piece as well as two of their graphic scores, Kannenberg’s Landscape 1: Vanishing Point” and a new animated piece by McRae. 

More information about Notations 21: http://​nota​tion​s21​.net/
More information about Kannenberg’s score: http://​johnkan​nen​berg​.com/​v​i​s​u​a​l​s​/​g​r​a​p​h​i​c​s​c​o​r​e​s​/​v​a​n​i​s​h​i​n​g​_​p​o​i​n​t​.html
More information about Collin McRae: http://​collin​-mcrae​.com/​h​o​m​e​.html