Clara McClenon and Mary Ayling: Window Seat School Opens in Brooklyn

Stamps MFA alumni Clara McClenon and Mary Ayling (MFA 2016) are starting a small school in Brooklyn, NY. It’s called “The Window Seat School,” in celebration of the wonder of the visual world.
The first two classes will be “Seeing, Being, Drawing: An Introduction to Drawing as Mindfulness Practice” and “A Way of Looking: Enjoying and Understanding Visual Art.” Both 8‑week classes start in February and are for adults of all experience levels.
Course information:
Seeing, Being, Drawing: An introduction to drawing as mindfulness practice
Tuesdays, 2/5 — 3/26
6 – 7:30pm or 8 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Clara McClenon
Drawing can open the door to a calmer, more connected way of seeing the world. By practicing simple strategies for quieting the mind and focusing attention, we’ll play with easing into and enjoying the experience of drawing. You liked drawing when you were little and you can fall in love with it again — no matter your recent experience!
A Way of Looking: Enjoying and Understanding Visual Art
Wednesdays, 2/6 — 3/27,
7 – 8:30pm
Instructor: Mary Ayling
Have you ever felt unsure about how to “get” art? Or like you were just missing something when it comes to looking at it? In this art appreciation class for all levels, you’ll learn how to richly experience, contemplate, and discuss the art you encounter is museums, galleries, and beyond! Art speaks to us. Come learn how to listen.
The Window Seat School
250 Greenpoint Avenue #14
Brooklyn, NY 11222