Chrisa Craig: thoughtsonSQUARES

An exhibition of Chrisa Craig’s (BSDes 1962, A.M. 1968) work, on display through Dec. 3 at Kerrytown Concert House, was recently reviewed on
as she observes in her …statement, “The paintings in ‘thoughtsonSQUARES’ have been informed by a lifetime of experiencing art: looking at it, making it, and thinking about it. As a teacher of art and culture from around the world, I’ve been exposed to thousands of visual ideas. It’s been an exhilarating process.”
“Chrisa Craig: thoughtsonSQUARES” will continue through Dec. 3 at the Kerrytown Concert House, 415 N. Fourth St.
Exhibit hours 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. For information, call 734−769−2999.