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Chica Brunsvold: Signature Membership in the American Watercolor Society

Brunsvold Cat Bird Seat w
Catbird Seat, acrylic 22×30. Giclees available. 

Chica Brunsvold (née Mary Sue Willey) was awarded Signature Membership in the prestigious American Watercolor Society at the annual banquet in NYC in April 29, 2011. Signature Membership is awarded after 3 acceptances in the AWS annual exhibitions — no easy task, especially for artists who specialize in whimsy. She is delighted to be able to add AWS in addition to NWS (Naional Watercolor Society) to her signed paintigs. Chica currently has an exhibition of 40 paintings, both watercolor and acrylic at Green Spring Gardens in Alexandria, VA through August 28. Details are on her website: http://​www​.chi​cabrunsvold​.com