Chelsea Neman Nassib Profiled by Forbes

Forbes Magazine profiled Stamps alumna Chelsea Neman Nassib (BFA ‘10) in a January 2019 feature. In the article, entitled How The Millennial Founder Of Tappan Is Bringing Art To A Digital Generation, senior contributor Karen Eldor interviews Neman Nassib about how she is supporting artists and bringing art back into the everyday conversation.
Neman Nassib states: “In the traditional art world, there isn’t a lot of transparency and it can be quite difficult for new collectors to get involved. I feel strongly about the fact that everyone should have fair access to art. And as an artist myself, I understand the struggle: we’re here to help guide our artists through the journey of their careers. It’s so rewarding for me to watch an artist with so much potential be able to flourish and have a full-time studio practice because of what we do here at Tappan.”
How The Millennial Founder Of Tappan Is Bringing Art To A Digital Generation |