Buster Simpson Curates Climate Change Confab

Buster Simpson (MFA 1969) is the curator for Rising Waters II, a project that brings together “the diverse perspectives of architects, artists, scientists, writers and other creative thinkers to address issues of climate change.” Taking place at the Rauschenberg Residency (Captiva Island, Florida) from April — May 2016, the second annual Rising Waters Confab offers opportunities for exchanging ideas and learning together as well as for individual work, field research, and reflection.
Since the 2015 Rising Waters Residency, news of climate change impact continues to grow direr; Captiva Island and all places resting at sea level face extinction. General consensus accepts “the arctic is everywhere” in many manifestations, yet we find it hard to make the connection between our personal and global conduct. As cultural practitioners and thinkers, how might we avoid the hand wringing and bell ringing in lieu of adaptability and forward thinking?
There is much to do about everything (¿a new Shakespearian play?), given the propensity of human nature. As sea level rises, the Calusa shell middens of the Pine Island archipelago will submerge to join ice age settlements resting on the outer banks. We now face a climate change migration of our making. Our midden is global.
Introductory Statement to 2016 Confab by Buster Simpson
Rising Waters Confab | Rauschenberg Residency: April-May 2016