Bette Klegon Halby Exhibits at Carter Burden Gallery

Work by Bette Klegon Halby (BS Design ‘62, BA Education ‘62) is on view at Carter Burden Gallery in NYC.
The core of my original impulse is found in the work itself:
that of exploring permutations of canvas as a medium,
and the shaping, forming and hardening of it.In black-and-white, a duel of two worlds unfolds, similar yet different. Shapes battle it out to fit into one complex whole. Not unlike our world today, sharply divided into good and evil; evaluating or viewing things as either all good or all bad black-and-white morality, sharply defined, and clear cut. The truth however is not always black-and-white.
It is no longer just Republican vs. Democrat, or liberal vs. conservative. It is the one percent vs. the 99 percent, white men against the world. Climate doubters clash with believers. Bathrooms have become battlefields, borders are battle lines. Sex and race, faith and ethnicity…the melting pot is boiling over. Americas sound track of round the clock political news, is penetrating, dividing and
confronting communities as never before.
Guns in schools? To Die For.
Confrontation: It’s as Clear as Black and White
Exhibition Dates: September 12 — October 8, 2019
Carter Burden Gallery
548 West 28th St
New York, NY 10001