Bernadette Witzack: Solo Exhibition

Work by Bernadette Witzack (MFA 2013) is featured in the solo exhibition “Paintings Wearing Clothes and Climbing Mountains”, opening October 7 at the Diane Endres Ballweg Gallery in Madison, WI.
Paintings Wearing Clothes and Climbing Mountains includes paintings, drawings, screen prints and mixed media work. The work is colorful and bold, abstract and bodily, tragic and triumphant, funny and just plain strange. Paintings Wearing Clothes and Climbing Mountains is about feelings, having a female body in this world, trying to understand our insides, celebrating the outsides, and a little cat named Jojo.
Paintings Wearing Clothes and Climbing Mountains: A solo art exhibition by Bernadette Witzack
Exhibition Dates: Friday, October 7 to Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Exhibition Opening: Friday, October 7, 7 — 10 pm
Diane Endres Ballweg Gallery, 3rd floor of the Madison Central Library
201 W. Mifflin Street, Madison, WI 53703
Gallery Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 – 9, Friday 9 – 6, Saturday 9 – 5, Sunday 1 – 5