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Art in the House

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The Art in the House initiative, sponsored by the President’s Council for State Universities in Michigan, selects university student artwork for prominent display in the Michigan House of Representatives. This year, the Stamps School was honored as Lansing Service Center Director Veronica Johnson selected work by students Paul DiStefano, Emerson Schreiner and Eliana Gershon.

At the Art in the House Reception on October 17, the artists were honored and their art works were unveiled at the Anderson House Office Building, Michigan House of Representatives. All three of the Stamps School artists’ works are in prominent locations, and will be in place at the Anderson House Office Building until August 2013.

Whirling Dynamics” by Paul DiStefano is prominently displayed in the Lobby of the Anderson House Office Building 
Last Look” by Emerson Schreiner is located outside of the Mackinac Room, 5th Fl., Anderson House Office Building (AHOB)
Echo” by Eliana Gershon is located on the 5th Fl., Anderson House Office Building, just off the main elevator