Anne Mondro: Faculty Spotlight

Stamps Associate Professor Anne Mondro was recently featured in a Faculty Spotlight story on the Edward Ginsberg Center’s website.
Anne has a deep history with a style of engaged community practice where long-term relationships are at the heart of the creative outcome; recently, she received an NEA grant for her collaborative community art-making project for teens and memory-impaired adults. However, interactive creative projects in the public sphere was newer terrain for her. Working with the Ginsberg Center helped Anne establish initial community connections and assisted in coordinating partner matching.
Anne stated, “Ginsberg helped alleviate a lot of that stress because I was able to have several conversations in terms of developing the partnership and thinking through the structures and resources that [community partners] provided”.
Anne learned that community-engaged teaching is an opportunity to rely on student and peer learning, empowering students to transfer knowledge through co-educating.
“To see that transfer is really exciting in the students and it makes your teaching that much more meaningful and it’s always a way to connect to the community and get out of the university bubble.
I tend to put everything on myself and I think there’s a way that the students can bring more ownership in a class like this, so that’s something I can work on. So being open to the fact that you don’t have to know all the answers and you don’t have to be the sole educator is key.”