Ann Bartges Exhibits in Melbourne

Ann Bartges (MFA Candidate 2014) will exhibit her recent video installation, Siren Song, as part of the NOW 13 exhibition at Dark Horse Experiment in Melbourne, Australia. The exhibition will run from Saturday May 15th to Saturday July 13th, 2013.
Exhibition curator Georgie Roxby Smith writes: “NOW 13 brings together a diverse group of research artists from Australia, United States and Asia on the cutting edge of new media art, game art, animation and experimental digital media. From the controversial to the irreverent, these artists work to deconstruct the digital interface through networking, interactivity and medium as they challenge and question the global reality of living in a digital age in series of works never seen before in Australia. The artists form a loose collective, having met and shared common research objectives in digital art festivals, studio spaces and graduate programs, reconnecting for NOW13 across virtual and physical divides.”
Dark Horse Experiment
110 Franklin Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Opening hours: Wed to Sat 12 — 6pm