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Andrea Claire Maio: Back to Your Senses

Created by filmmaker and Ann Arbor native Andrea Claire Maio (BFA 2001), Back to Your Senses” is a video series about people who are leaving the safety of what they know, for the sake of what they love” in a time of economic uncertainty. As a platform for her work, Andrea has teamed up with a new crowd-funding website for independent TV called Mob​caster​.com, started by another University of Michigan alumna, Aubrey Levy (BFA 2004, Theatre).

Andrea is currently raising resources through Mobcaster in order to produce the pilot episode of her show — an episode that will feature Michigan residents who are changing their lives. by turning their passion into their vocation. They are farmers, artists, scientists and entrepeneurs, who represent an unaffiliated nation-wide movement of people who are coming back to their senses; using their uncertainty about the future of our country’s economy as a fuel to make their dreams come true, and showing the way for those of us brave enough to do the same.

Mobcaster is like Kickstarter for TV — it has the potential to help build audiences for content that networks might not take a risk on. It gives people the opportunity to fund what it is they want to see, and to see it through multiple phases of production. Like with Kickstarter, no money changes hands unless the project meets its fundraising goal. Unlike Kickstarter, if the project does reach it’s goal, the final product gets broadcast on Mobcaster. 

The fundraiser for Maio’s Back to Your Senses lasts through January 8th — visit http://​www​.mob​caster​.com/​p​r​o​j​e​c​t​/​b​a​c​k​-​t​o​-​y​o​u​r​-​s​enses to find out more or contribute.

For more info about the project and Andrea, visit http://​www​.back​toy​oursenses​.org or email backtoyoursenses@​gmail.​com.