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Allen Samuels Designs for Disaster Relief

Samuels tp w
Hand held, paperboard toileting device and with disposable plastic catch bag. 

Professor Emeritus Allen Samuels recently sent this update on his current design work:
I continue to design and develop low cost, low tech and basic designs of things that can assist in disaster situations like the latest one in Haiti — primarily shelter and hygiene related needs. To this end, I have recently designed yet another shelter made of two pieces of, die cut, corrugated paperboard that houses a one piece paperboard sleep tray for short term (weeks ‑months) use. In addition, my one piece die cut, corrugated, hand held toileting device with plastic catch bags are about to be hand fabricated and tested in Uganda. I volunteered my design for use there as part of an agreement with people there who will fabricate, distribute and test my designs and report back about their usefulness and acceptance as a way to reduce Hepatitis and Cholera. I am excited about this latest arrangement in that to date, no national or international relief agency has agreed to even review my disaster related designs that number in the hundreds let alone test them in the field with real people. When I hear from Uganda, I will followup with a report.