Adrian Deva Exhibits at Fórum Eugénio de Almeida in Portugal

Adrian Deva is featured in Portas Abertas (Open Doors), an international exhibit curated by Claudia Giannetti and organized by Fórum Eugénio de Almeida on the occasion of its opening in the former Palàcio da Inquisição (Palace of the Inquisition), marking the start of the cultural and artistic activities to be presented in this new space in Évora, Portugal.
With the Portas Abertas project, the Fórum intends to reflect on historical facts related to intolerance and repression under the Inquisition that, as is common knowledge, transcend the local and temporal context. The theme of discrimination seeks to emphasize that art, through collaborative international action, can open doors for intercultural dialogue, as a foundation for the construction of a fairer, more plural, tolerant and inclusive society. Portas Abertas is the result of an invitation to artists worldwide to present a work that reflected their vision of the dichotomy between the historical context of the space where it is presented and the current world, as a sign that art can open doors to dialogue, a foundation for building a fairer, more tolerant and inclusive society. Based on concepts of space-network, dialogue, decentralization, interculturality and inclusion, Portas Abertas embodies the philosophy and principles of this new venue for artistic and cultural expression as a contribution to a more cohesive and plural society. The exhibit will be open from July 11 — October 6.