24th Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners

Stamps Professor Emerita Janie Paul was featured in a Fox 2 story on the 24th Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners, on view at Duderstadt Center Gallery through April 3.
The Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners is one of the largest exhibitions of art by incarcerated artists in the country, and this year highlights the work of 574 artists from 26 facilities in Michigan. It features 670 paintings, sculptures and three-dimensional works.
Many of the pieces featured reflects the pain, and agony of being put away. But the gallery also shows a brighter side although intense, most show how many prisoners have a longing for nature and normalcy.
They dream it then they draw it.
“For people in prison, there isn’t a lot of ways for people to create meaning, their lives feel meaningless because they’re considered throwaway people and they’re considered people who don’t have a lot of worth in our society, so making art is a way to create meaning and to feel a purpose,” Janie Paul said with the school of Art and Design.
Prisoners find solace creating art for U of M exhibition | Fox 2 News