Taking a Stand Opening Reception

Friday, January 17, 2020
7:30 pm
In-person Event
Stamps Gallery
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Google Map/Directions
Reception / Open House
Open to the public
Free of charge
Come celebrate the work of artists in the exhibition Taking a Stand, featuring work by micha cárdenas, Oliver Husain, Elizabeth LaPensée, Meryl McMaster, and Syrus Marcus Ware. Refreshments will be served. At 6:15pm there will be a special performance by Detroit-based artist Sacramento Knoxx in collaboration with Bianca Millar & White Feather Woman.
Taking a Stand is a group exhibition that brings together lively and energetic work that highlights the ways in which artists build solidarity and shape contemporary culture as active participants in our society. The works in the exhibition encompass photography, interactive drawings, augmented reality, and 3‑D film installation. The collectivist impulse of the projects recast the gallery as a catalyst, a site of action and possibility for urgent and meaningful dialogue on culture and politics. The immersive and interactive installations don’t just represent social concerns from our cosmopolitan present, they delve into playful and poetic exchanges with public audiences on empathy and decoloniality to imagine just and equitable futures. Drawing on the themes of science fiction, artists in the exhibition invite audiences to time travel, blurring fact with fiction, weaving fantastical narratives and desires with ancestral knowledge, collective memories, and stories from their natural and urban environments. They acknowledge the vitality of recuperating Indigenous, migrant, and LGBTQ subjectivities and practices to better understand how to heal our damaged planet. Even though these installations are temporary and ephemeral, they foster vibrant liminal spaces for the public to explore what could be done during this time of ever-present ecological and political change. Taking a Stand is curated by Srimoyee Mitra.