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Saki Mafundikwa

Looking Back to a Bright Future


Thursday, March 19, 2015
5:10 pm


In-person Event

Michigan Theater
603 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104


Penny Stamps Speaker Series
Open to the public
Free of charge

Graphic designer, educator, author, filmmaker and farmer Saki Mafundikwa is a visionary who left a successful design career in New York to return to his native Zimbabwe and open that country’s first school of graphic design and new media. The author of Afrikan Alphabets, a comprehensive review of African writing systems, Mafundikwa has participated in exhibitions and workshops around the world, contributed to a variety of publications and lectured about the globalization of design and the African aesthetic. Mafundikwa says, As a designer, I really believe that Africa can change the design landscape. There is enough stimuli in Africa to inspire young designers of all kinds — from graphics to architecture, furniture, fashion, product, interior and other forms of design.”

With support from AIGA Detroit, Department of AfroAmerican and African Studies, African Studies Center, and the Detroit Creative Corridor Center (DC3).

Content Notice

In accordance with the University of Michigan’s Standard Practice Guidelines on Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression, the Penny Stamps Speaker Series does not censor our speakers or their content. The content provided is intended for adult audiences and does not reflect the views of the University of Michigan or Detroit Public Television.