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Rachel Kushner

A Reading & Conversation

Image: Ann Summa for The New York Times 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
8:00 pm


In-person Event

Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD)
4454 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201


Penny Stamps Speaker Series
Open to the public
Free of charge

Special Event: Wednesday, April 278pm
MOCAD, 4454 Woodward Ave Detroit, MI 48201

Rachel Kushners debut novel, Telex from Cuba, was a finalist for the 2008 National Book Award and the Dayton Literary Peace Prize, winner of the California Book Award, and a New York Times bestseller and Notable Book. 2013’s The Flamethrowers received rave reviews across the country, and Kushner was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. Her fiction and essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Paris Review, The Believer, Artforum, Bookforum, Fence, Bomb, Cabinet, and Grand Street. As New York Magazine says, Kushner thinks, talks, and even writes like a visual artist: performative statements of purpose in place of irony or self-deprecation; allusions and digressions that break up her narratives with patches of abstraction; accounts of raw experience — backwoods skiing, illegal motorcycle racing, preteen drug use — that betray a strikingly earnest romanticism about the radicals and misfits with whom she identifies.”

In partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD).

Content Notice

In accordance with the University of Michigan’s Standard Practice Guidelines on Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression, the Penny Stamps Speaker Series does not censor our speakers or their content. The content provided is intended for adult audiences and does not reflect the views of the University of Michigan or Detroit Public Television.