Perspectives on Pain

December 2 – 30, 2011
In-person Event
Work: Detroit
Open to the public
Free of charge
How do we begin to talk about pain, to share and explore it? While ubiquitous, pain remains a profoundly personal experience that many do not discuss or reveal. We hide it, we mask it, we manage it, but rarely are we implored to talk about pain. So how does one describe and depict pain? Can we find constructive ways of expressing it?
Each of the works presented in Perspectives on Pain offers an array of approaches in uncovering the nuances of this difficult subject. Some may bring about catharsis through transformation or escape, while others prompt us to examine our own feelings of loss and recovery.
This exhibition is an opportunity for reflection. We hope that it will create a reinforced sense of humanity and collectiveness among viewers: bringing us closer to confronting our own experiences of pain, and reminding us that – through pain – we remain connected to one another.
Curated by Adrianne Finelli and Dan F Friedlaender, Perspectives on Pain is open December 2 — 30 at Work•Detroit.
Opening Reception: Friday, December 2, 6 — 9 pm.
Performance/Screening from 7:30 — 8:30 pm
Artists include:
- Sudandyo Aprilianto
- Shirley Axon & Nancy Heers
- Lindsay Bienick (A&D Alum)
- Askia Bilal (A&D Alum)
- Emily Branham
- Christine Burchnall
- Timothy Burke
- Marcelyn Bennett Carpenter
- Pam Cates
- James Cornish & Lisa LeMarre
- Susan Crowell (A&D Faculty)
- Su Friedrich
- John Gutoskey (A&D MFA Candidate)
- Heidi Kumao (A&D Faculty)
- Katie Martineau-Caron
- Anne Mondro (A&D Faculty)
- Duane Montney
- Marat Paransky
- Laura Pazuchowski (A&D Alum)
- Lin Elizabeth Preiss
- Renata Rivkin
- Edward Salem
- Hadass Shereshevsky
- Scotty Slade (A&D Alum)
- Peter Sparling (School of Music, Theatre & Dance Faculty)
- Susan Stacks (A&D Alum)
- Carmen Winant