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Envision: Exhibition Tour

Envision logo: stylized white letters spell out ENVISION on a black background

Saturday, November 20, 2021
1:00 – 2:00 pm


In-person Event

Stamps Gallery
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104


Open to the public
Free of charge

RSVP Required

Join us for an exhi­bi­tion tour of Envi­sion: The Michi­gan Artist Ini­tia­tive at Stamps Gallery. The exhi­bi­tion fea­tures new work by the five Envi­sion final­ists, artists Nayda Col­lazo-Llorens, Michael Dixon, Car­ole Har­ris, Kylie Lock­wood, and Dar­ryl DeAn­gelo Ter­rell. We will discuss the artworks on view and look forward to hearing your thoughts as well. 

This is the inau­gural year of Envi­sion: The Michi­gan Artist Ini­tia­tive, a new awards pro­gram designed to sup­port the devel­op­ment of con­tem­po­rary artists liv­ing and work­ing in Michi­gan. The five final­ists were selected by jurors Carla Acevedo-Yates, Cura­tor, MCA Chicago; Ken Aptekar (BFA​73), Artist; and Lor­ing Ran­dolph (BFA​04), Direc­tor, Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemiseg­ger Collection.

Spaces are lim­ited. Please reserve your ticket here. Tour par­tic­i­pants are requested to wear masks, main­tain social dis­tanc­ing and fol­low Stamps Gallery’s COVID-19 policies.

Envi­sion: The Michi­gan Artist Ini­tia­tive is on view at Stamps Gallery from November 12, 2021 — Janu­ary 222022.