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MFA Thesis Studio

ARTDES 710.003, Fall 2024


Credit Hours: 6
Course Fee: $0
Semester: Fall 2024

Description: The Thesis Studio centers around production of the MFA thesis. The MFA thesis is the largest and final degree requirement for MFA candidates. The thesis work embodies the process, significance, and results of a practice-based creative inquiry completed during the second year of study. It must make some original contribution to knowledge in the field of contemporary art practice. In the Thesis Studio students prepare for their MFA Thesis Exhibition, the Written Thesis and their Oral Thesis Presentation. The MFA Thesis Exhibition forms the nucleus of the thesis work. The Written Thesis is a supporting document that clearly articulates the background, objectives, outcomes, process, and significance of the thesis work. The Oral Thesis Presentation is a live presentation to faculty and peers that summarizes the thesis project as a whole. A Faculty committee of advisors directs this independent research.