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Science Illustration

ARTDES 339.001, Fall 2024


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $125
Semester: Fall 2024

Prerequisites: All OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 270: Visualizing and Depicting Ideas.

Description: This studio develops the basic skills necessary to work as a science illustrator. The course emphasizes observational drawing using a mix of traditional and digital tools. Projects focus on media-specific competencies; scientific content knowledge, vocabulary and communication skills; educational design skills; media production methodologies; portfolio development; and business practice skills. Students are encouraged to creatively solve communication problems focused on all levels of science education. No prerequisite science courses are required, but students must be committed to the practice of observational drawing and interested in science. The course includes a weekend camping / research trip associated with a class project.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the winter term of even-numbered years, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.