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Jewelry/Metals: Color + Image

ARTDES 306.001, Fall 2024


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $200
Semester: Fall 2024

Prerequisites: All OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 252: Intro to Metals/Jewelry.

Description: In this jewelry and metals course, students learn to apply color and create images on metal. Exploring traditional and alternative techniques, including enameling (fusing powdered glass to metal) and digital fabrication processes, students investigate how color and imagery are used to adorn the body for self-expression. Granted special access to the University of Michigan Museum of Art collection, students also research selected artworks to gain a deeper understanding of how artists have relied on color and imagery to express ideas, and they gain inspiration for their own designs.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the fall term of even-numbered years, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.