Erika Hess: Feminism Now

Erika Hess will take part in a panel discussion on contemporary feminism at Feminism Now, a symposium at the Cleveland Institute of Art, from 5 — 7 pm on Monday, Mar. 17.
Feminism Now explores contemporary questions in such as what does it mean to be a feminist in 2014? What qualifies art as feminist art? A week-long series, Feminism Now, will explore these and other questions with an exhibition of student work, performance art, a panel discussion, and a symposium co-sponsored by CIA’s Sculpture Department, its Liberal Arts Department, The Sculpture Center, and Zygote Press.
Panel Discussion
Monday, March 17, 5 – 7pm
The Sculpture Center
1834 E. 123rd Street
Megan Lykins Reich, director of programs and associate curator at MOCA Cleveland, will open this discussion with a presentation on First Wave Feminist Hannah Wilke’s (1940−1993) Intra-Venus work. From there, the focus will be on the legacy of earlier feminists on the current movement and younger artists. Participants will look at: What is contemporary feminism and what does it look like within art? How has it evolved? What is the burden or the benefit of the legacy? In addition to Lykins Reich, panelists include: Christopher Whittey, vice president of faculty affairs and chief academic officer at the Cleveland Institute of Art; Liz Maugans, one of Zygote Press’ co-founders and the managing director since 1995; Olivia Mihaltianu, a Bucharest-based international artist whose recent works are inter-disciplinary projects on personal, social, and cultural identity, including different techniques: video, film, photographs, objects, installations and performance; Erika B. Hess, an artist whose paintings explore the representation of the middle-class and women through her use of color, abstract forms and pop culture symbols.