Drowning in a Sea of Information

November 21 – December 19, 2014
In-person Event
Work: Ann Arbor
Open to the public
Free of charge
From the continual notifications from emails, texts, tweets, and other social media to the never ending next important thing to look up, there isn’t a moment that we are not drowning in a sea of information.
From TVs in the grocery store to the Gas Station News spewing from gasoline pumps, the onslaught of information is omnipresent and automatic.
When is there time to contemplate and process the information that we already have taken in if we are perpetually taking in more?
In this exhibit, artists explore the consequences of this new paradigm of information overload.
Curated by Seder Burns.
Nov. 21 — Dec. 19 at Work: Ann Arbor
Exhibition Reception: Tuesday December 2, 5 — 8 pm
Image: Hedonism(y) Trojaner by Babis Panagiotidis